BlowHard On Life

Saturday, October 15, 2005

American Girl versus Christian Terrorism

American Girl dolls are a favorite of mine. And, luckily, I have 4 granddaughters so I get to buy and play with them. They have great theme dolls, accessories, clothes, and just about everything you would want with a doll.

My granddaughters have grown up with them; they all got Bitty Baby as their first doll, and have continued to get American Girl dolls and accessories each year for Christmas. What I'd really love to do is to take them all to Chicago one year to the American Girl store. If you've never been, you're really missing out on a great experience. I go every time I am in Chicago.

Now I hear that the American Family Association (AFA) is threatening to boycott American Girl. They don't like that American Girl donates money to Girls, Inc.. Girls, Inc is descended from Girls Clubs of America. They are a non-profit organization "inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold."

AFA does not like that American Girl is selling "I Can" bracelets for $1.00 each, from which the proceeds benefit Girls, Inc.'s "I Can" initiative. The "I Can" initiative, according to Girls, Inc., "supports three specific Girls Inc. programs - building girls' skills in science and math, developing leadership skills, and encouraging athletic skills and team spirit." I guess AFA thinks these are all bad things.

What AFA doesn't like is that Girls, Inc. "tolerates lesbianism", "opposes abstinence-only education for girls," and "supports abortion." Apparently, the AFA thinks that all lesbians should be jailed and that girls who have sex deserve to die of Aids. Oh, and girls who have sex and get pregnant, and the children of those pregnancies, have no rights either. If they are raised in homes where they are unwanted and in poverty, that is what God wants for them because of their sin for having been conceived outside of wedlock.

I seem to have missed the "Turn-your-daughter-into-a-lesbian" initiative on Girls, Inc's website.

Just for the record, I am anti-abortion. I think that there are always alternatives. I have known a few women who have had abortions and all of them live with serious guilt issues over it. But that is my opinion and I could be wrong. I will never be pregnant and have to deal with pregnancy in that way. Just because I am against abortion does not mean I, or anyone else, has the right to decide for every woman everywhere what they have to do with their own body. While I strongly hope that all women everywhere will always choose life, I accept that it is, ultimately, their right to choose, not mine!

So, back to the AFA threat against American Girl. This is nothing more than Christian terrorism, just like Al-Queida's threats to destroy the infidels. Either you believe what AFA believes or they will destroy you. Can you imagine if they were ever to believe they could get away with bombing or ... oh wait... Some of their ilk do think they can get away with bombings.

I have always been, George Bush (both of them) aside, very - almost ultra - consertive politically. I am a Christian. But let me tell you, the Christian right, groups like AFA, scare me! While I don't believe abortion is a constitutional issue - it is never mentioned in the constitution - you can be sure that the AFA would absolutely deny you your constitutional rights if they ever get enough political power in this country. They would impose their morals, their religious beliefs, and their view of "Family" on everyone. Infidels would be jailed or, as we have seen groups with similar beliefs to the AFA do, bombed and killed!

If you are truly politically conservative, or a constitutionalist, as many ultra right wing conservatives like myself believe that we are, then the groups to boycott are the AFA and others like them, not groups, like Girls, Inc., who do a lot of good even if we don't agree with every single thing the organization or its leaders believe. Girls, Inc., in my book, is not a perfect organization. But what group is perfect? What person is perfect? What Christian is perfect? I can only imagine the leaders of these Christian "ministries" laying in bed with their concubines and prostitutes coming up with these judgmental and stupid boycott ideas because someone else is not "perfect" by the standards of these religious leaders!

I still remember the day that hundreds of students from Oral Roberts University went to a mosque in Tulsa, circled it, and put their hands on the walls of the mosque, and prayed for the salvation of the infidels inside. Talk about terrorism!

I call on George Bush to designate the AFA and groups like them as terrorist groups and to treat their leaders and members just like they would treat any other terrorist group in the United States.


  • At 6:35 PM, October 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The AFA is a cult. They want you to believe what their leaders tell you to believe, not the teachings of the Bible or Christ.
    Perhaps the boycott of Girl's Inc is not only the issue of abortion or lesbianism, but that girls might grow up in women that would question or challenge their teachings. money


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